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    Mouseykins got a reaction from jellysundae for a status update, Took the girls to the Zoo today and they had a blast. My favorite part of the day was   
    Took the girls to the Zoo today and they had a blast. My favorite part of the day was seeing the African Elephant up close and personal. She was out for a walk around the zoo with her caretakers. We were about 2 feet away from her as she walked by. We were in petting and hugging range! We stayed to the side of the walkway and stayed put as she walked by. Her lead caretaker led her by gently pulling her trunk in the direction he wanted her to go. Less movements than one would use to guide a horse. I was so mesmerized by her I forgot to take a picture or a video of her as she walked by. That was the closest I've ever been to an elephant and I'm still starstruck!
    My second favorite was watching the seals. They were our first stop and we enjoyed them so much we went back to watch them before we left. Our first stop I took a picture of the girls on the seal statue. Our second visit to them I took a video of them swimming. They are amazing swimmers! My 3 year old didn't want to leave them the first time and it was a struggle to get her to carry on.
    My 6 year old enjoyed seeing the Tiger the most I think. My 3 year old loved the elephant.
    A wonderful way to end the summer holidays!
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    Mouseykins got a reaction from jellysundae for a status update, Thursday the 31st looks like we may be finally doing our zoo trip with the girls! We   
    Thursday the 31st looks like we may be finally doing our zoo trip with the girls! We promised Bug last year, but didn't have time. This summer we've been so busy and there's only two weeks left until school starts, so if the weather is nice we'll be going.
    The girls don't know yet and they'll be happy! Only downer is the zoo we're going to doesn't have lions, which are one of Bugs' favorites.
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    Mouseykins got a reaction from jellysundae for a status update, Happy 6th Birthday Bug!   
    Happy 6th Birthday Bug!
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    Mouseykins got a reaction from deboratibi for a status update, Aerosol Febreeze + a 3 year old = disaster! My 3 year old got her hands on the Febree   
    Aerosol Febreeze + a 3 year old = disaster!
    My 3 year old got her hands on the Febreeze for 2-3 minutes while I had to go downstairs. I come back upstairs and the floor is wet, bath mat is saturated and the counter is wet. I had to wipe everything down with a soapy washcloth and rinse out the bath mat. Cannot have that much air freshener on the floor in case the pup walks on it and licks her paws. Ugh not the way I wanted to start my morning.
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    Mouseykins got a reaction from deboratibi for a status update, Decided to make some changes to my profile today!   
    Decided to make some changes to my profile today!
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