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Which formation do you use?


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I use Terror Mountain's default 3+1 formation. My main forward, Prytariel, can rush the ball and two of her teammates are right there by her for passing. However, the drawback is that Rinok is the only one guarding the goal. I like to use a fall-back strategy, which is getting the ball, heading back towards my goal while charging a shot and then shooting to a teammate, two of whom are already in position and a fully charged shot is able to fly through anyone directly in front of you. Then it's a matter of lining up your shot, charging, and shooting before an opponent can come in and snatch the ball away.

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I use 2+2 default and use Mirsha to get the ball ..


If I use 3+1 formation , there's no guarantee which attacker will be in front ... Mirsha & Foltaggio randomly switch places ...

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I use the 1+3 formation because, as you said, I feel as though I'd never get the ball otherwise. Plus I feel it's easier to rush the goal that way :)


(& this is my first AC too)

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I always do 2+2 in Yooyuball games, it's Darigan's Citadel's main formation, and I want to stay true to that.

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Hi :laughingsmiley:


Most of the time I used my team's default formation: 2+2 (left to right)


For me, it actually depends on the team you are against with that day.

When my team was against KI one day, using 2+2 formation gave me a headache as that Shoyru, Feldon "Dinksy" Collibridge, keeps stealing my ball out of nowhere i tried to pass the ball to my other teammates or when i try to score a goal (she's that fierce in my com!) So i used 3+1 formation, because it's much easier (but had to adapt with one of the defenders being the center forward and only one defender defending). :)


If you're not able to adapt, then stick to the one you're most comfortable with. :)

But if you want to try something new, go ahead. :) No one's stopping you, it's your choice anyways. ^_^

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I always used the 3-1 offensive strategy and would always get the first goal within 3 seconds. :laughingsmiley:


My team was Faerieland, not sure if that changes anything. But yeah, 3-1 allows me to score within seconds.

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I use 3+1...It allows me to score a goal in a matter of 2 seconds (unless its darigan lol)


2+2 Isnt very useful because I can never calculate how far down i have to go


1+3 to me is good, but not for offense

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