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male vs female pets [survey]


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Once everything is sorted I'll have 3 male and 1 female :) For some reason I prefer male pets, but I wanted to have at least one girl ^_^

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I haven't paid attention to this is awhile, so this should be interesting.


Out of 19 pets:


Female - 12


Male - 7


Of those, 1 male is currently a lab pet, but has a female-ish name, 1 female was a lab pet in the past and has an either way name, but will change based on it's final species/color, and 1 female I've been debating about making male. (It was a lab pet that my husband made into a Wraith Shoyru for me, and it was female when he did it. I think it would be more fitting to be male)


I generally enjoy female pets more, though of my first 4 pets, 2 were female, 2 were male.

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I have fourteen permanent pets. 7 are male, and 7 are female.

... that was an accident, but apparently, I'm gender fair.

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I have 10 females and 8 males, but 1 female is a labber that is supposed to be male. So really; i have 9 and 9. Which kind of amazes me because I tend to go towards the male pets more. :)

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I was wondering this myself. I seem to favour female pets - I'm better at coming up with female names and my adoptions seem to be mostly female.

I have 11 female pets and 3 male ones. I also have 1 that is undecided - the name could go either way. I am planning to create at least one more male though.

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I have 2 female pets, 1 male pet and 1 female that's supposed to be male, not counting the labbie. So it's actually even at the moment. Eventually I'll have 3 males, 3 females, and 1 whatever-gender-my-draik-hatches.

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That's the impression I got from lurking around the Draik Lair and PC. Not having ever hatched a draik myself, I wouldn't know for sure.


EDIT: Just googled quickly, according to JellyNeo (sorry, I know I should probably be checking TDN first, but JN popped up first): Using a Draik Transmogrification Potion is also a better option if you want your Draik to be a specific gender, as you can't decide whether your pet will be male or female when you hatch an egg.


So that's that. Now, back on topic.

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ATM I have 8 female, 3 male. One of the females is a labrat and is constantly changing gender, the name is more masculine though, so I'll probably be switching her to a him once the color/species has settled.

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