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Kiss the Mortog...Rigged?


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As far as anyone knows, is Kiss the Mortog rigged? Kind of like the Deserted Fairground games? I thought it was supposed to be random, but here I am trying to get that darn avatar and the more I play, the more it seems rigged to me. For the first choice I would always choose the left mortog, and I was only correct about one out of every twenty times. Shouldn't it be closer to portraying a 50/50 chance?

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if you are losing more than you are winning, then start choosing the right mortog instead.  That is how I did it.  There is a guide.  So I would choose the right mortog.  Then when there are three, choose the left one.  Then the middle, then the right.  See which one comes up most often.  Then when you figure it out, say it is the middle one (I am just saying that) then choose the right mortog, the middle mortog all the time until that combination comes up.  Then when there are 4 do the same thing.  That is how I did it and I got the avatar.  If you are picking the one that is coming up least often, you will lose.  It isn't rigged per say.  It is like that to HELP you.  If it was 50/50 you would NOT win.  If it is 75/25 or 80/20, you have a better shot at picking the correct mortog than if it is 50/50.  Right?

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It's 50/50 on the first time


To get 5,900 which is needed for the avatar is roughly 0.83% Chance


It's random AND luck based.

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I actually found the same thing as aminoshiki, I found the right mortog had the better chance of having the princess there.  I read the guide, which said to choose the same mortog all of the time and eventually you will chose the right pattern.  Well, choosing the 1st mortog didn't work for me because it was rarely the correct one.  I found it was usually the right one that was correct. So I changed to that one and that is when I finally got the correct pattern.  I guess you technically have a 50/50 shot at GUESSING the correct one, it is going to be one or the other.  But if you take twenty times, it won't be 10/10 right/left.  Maybe if you get to more like 500 times you will start to get closer to 50/50.

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Oh, wow.  I've been trying for this avatar too.  I think the left Mortog is more often correct for me in the first round and I've been going first>second>forth but maybe I should try take some notes and seeing if that's just a gut feeling on which seems to be working best rather than something supported by actual numbers.

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Oh wow, I didn't realize there was a whole science to this lol xD


Well it's a new day with a new stash of np to waste. Going to try your guys' advice and hopefully I'll come out with an avatar soon!

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I got this avatar two days ago. I don't believe it is rigged (you have the Haunted Fairgrounds for that :)). Not impossible, but it is by chance and luck. I, too, noted it seemed like the right Mortog was the "correct" one more often, but the more I played, it changed to the left one. At this point, I'm sure I'm on the PPL's "Most Wanted" list for the wanton destruction of innocent Mortogs in pursuit of an avatar! (I "exploded", easily, 100, if not more). Joking aside, I feel this avatar is obtainable - it just takes some time and persistence, plus a bit of luck, to get. Keep at it, and you'll get it!

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When I got it I picked the right-hand one for the first choice and then the left-most one for all of the choices after that.  It took a long time.  I mean a really long time.  But whenever I was watching T.V. or something like that I would play it on my cell phone and I eventually got it.  Don't forget to go for it on the first of the month so it's easier.  I don't think it's rigged though, for me I just thought it made sense to pick a pattern and hope it eventually came up.

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