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leveling stat increases and the like

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Oh, and the faerie ability 'burrow' is exceptionally helpful (although I think somebody said that already :P ).

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yeah. you should get burrow. it's the 4th earth faerie ability so you'll only need to use about 13k. it blocks 97.5% of 5 icons done to your pet (don't really remember what icons they are)

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The icons Burrow blocks are Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Physical. :yes:

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Just buy some Bottled Earth Faeries and use them to bless the pet you want the abilities for. :yes:


Psst. Please make your posts 7 words or longer.

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(Level 1)


War Cry

(Level 1)



(Level 1)


Magic Berries

(Level 1)


Tough Skin

(Level 1)


Magic Pebbles

(Level 1)


Fiery Gaze

(Level 1)


Smoke Screen

(Level 1)


Fiery Roar

(Level 1)




so i have heal,burrow and fiery gaze set up, how many more can i have and which should i have? and how do i level them up?

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You can have 7 abilities activated at a time. check out tdn's battlepedia faerie guide here to figure out which ones even do anything and what you would prefer. You don't have to have 7 activated though. When my pet was weaker I would only activate ones I knew I'd actually use (like burrow), that way I wouldn't get confused about which ones did what in the fight. No point in activating one that doesn't do anything!


The only ways I know of to level them up is of of the faerie wheels (I think the excitement wheel and the monotony wheel will both level them up) and some of the scratchcards (I think the spooky scratchcards??) If I had more time I'd look up which scratchcards, but here is a guide to them. Oh, and some neggs level them up too, but neggs are generally very expensive.

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I'd advise against bothering to level up your pet's faerie abilities, since it doesn't really do anything useful. :yes:

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